Thursday, 13 October 2011


Yeah, it should be 5
With seven following on.
I like other ways.

rimmed off

Mrs BOF is in Frankfurt, fighting for her rights - publishing rights, that is. Until recently she didn't know a byte from an apple but the advent of ebooks to her world has brought her smartly into the digital age.

The first sign of this came a few years ago, when her Blackberry started to put out roots and fasten itself into her person. The BOF has therefore been a little surprised that her messages continue to arrive as normal, while all around lesser beings bemoan the third day without Blackberry convergence.

A closer look the tail of the messages explains her continued connectedness, and serves as stark warning to those Commonwealth bores at RIM: Sent from my iPad.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

touching thing

Touching thing, this getting old.
It has a rhythm.
So I can go on dancing.

sucky-babes' mouths

Tonight we heard this from Nick Boles (Conservative MP, Think-Tanker):

 "I don't want to knock ideas - I used to be an ideas man."

(Also author of Which Way Is Up?)